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Our Classes

Each class follows a play-based routine that fosters the development of independence, self-regulation, grit and social skills among others. Children are grouped into classes according to their age by June 1 of the current school year. We observe an age-appropriate teacher-student ratio that allows each child’s abilities to blossom with the assistance of competent early childhood educators.

Our classes are named after trees which symbolize relaxation (play/recreation), knowledge (education) and life (growth/progression).

Coconut & Maple

Maximum of 6 children with 2 teachers (1:3)


The Coconut and Maple Classes aim to strengthen the physical skills (gross and fine motor) of toddlers and assist in identifying themselves as individuals, separate from their parents and caregivers.

Coconut (1.2 yrs. – 1.11 yrs. ) & Maple (1.6 yrs. – 2.11 yrs.)

At this age, very young children mostly engage in solitary play that is sensorial, physical and repetitive in nature. Sometimes toddlers may be mainly observing the play of others and occasionally asking questions about their activity without engaging in it themselves.


Maximum of 8 children with 2 teachers (1:4)


Aside from fine-tuning toddlers’ physical skills, the Bamboo Class aims to facilitate the development of resilience, self-regulation and independence in 2-year olds.

Bamboo (2.0 yrs. – 2.11 yrs.)

Young children at this age are more verbal and sociable in nature. Their play begins to transition from solitary to parallel play, fittingly described as playing alongside peers though not necessarily interacting with them. Worth mentioning is the presence of pretend and symbolic play as well as children this age begin to make sense of their world.


Maximum of 12 children with 2 teachers (1:6)

Pine (Classes Page)_new.jpg

The Pine Class aims to cultivate initiative in preschoolers to engage in group activities and develop budding friendships amongst themselves. Along the way, their communication skills are enhanced as they are encouraged to express themselves through both verbal (speech) and non-verbal (work output) means.

Pine (3.0 yrs. – 3.11 yrs)

As young children move out of the toddler years, they progress to having more meaningful interactions with both peers and adults. They now have a heightened interest in playing with their peers. While engaged in play, they may interact with each other albeit pursuing different activities still.

Narra (4 yrs. – 4.11 yrs.)

As preschoolers engage in spontaneous interactions, they begin to delve into more organized forms of play. Cooperative play emerges as children become participants in group undertakings such as role-playing and complying with rules of a game.


Maximum of 12 children with 2 teachers (1:6)


The Narra Class aspires to foster industriousness in preschoolers aside from continuously promoting their social and communication skills. The class also aims to prepare preschoolers to transition smoothly into their kindergarten of choice.

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